Be at the Civic Center BART Station PLATFORM by 4:30pm.
Get yourself and your allies there by
- taking BART from East Bay or other San Francisco stations,
- taking Muni, or
- entering the station from the street level in downtown San Francisco.
Those who need financial assistance to buy a BART ticket can be provided one. Email info [at] oaklandforjustice.org.
3 Aspects of Participation:
- Actions should reflect a commitment to strategic non-violence.
- Do not engage in anything more than passive resistance.
- Do not antagonize passengers or force them to engage you.
- Do not deny passengers egress from trains or station.
- Consider the physical risk of your action and make sure you have support if you are going to do something that impairs your ability to take care of your own health or well-being.
- Involve videographers, medics, and legal observers if you intend to take a high-risk role.
Know the Plan
- People who participate are able to take action according to their own conscience, risk level, and ability.
- BRING: a sign or banner to display, a noisemaker, musical instrument, t-shirt, etc, but keep it in a bag until the action starts.
- The action may involve holding doors open for large numbers of demonstrators to enter or exit trains. Whether you choose to assist by holding doors yourself should be determined by whether you are taking a green, yellow, or red role in the action (see “Risk Level” below).
- The action will conclude by 6:45pm. At that point we will regroup on the Civic Center BART station platform to consider next steps.
- CONTINGENCY PLAN: If Civic Center station is closed for any reason by the BART police, those of us who are able and have not been arrested will leave along with the other passengers in the station, walk to Powell station, and start taking action there. If Powell is then closed, we’ll walk to Montgomery or back to Civic Center. Etc.

Know Your Risk Level
- This July 11th demonstration is anticipated to be largely a GREEN-LEVEL and possibly YELLOW-LEVEL action. It is important to plan ahead as to what risks you are prepared to take. Often roles for direct action are color-coded, based around prior expectations of how likely it is you will get arrested for what you do. There is never any guarantee when you protest, but it is important to us that people give some thought to their risk level prior to participating:
- RED = Very high likelihood of arrest. For our purposes this means you plan on taking civil disobedience and are prepared to be arrested as a result. For example, locking oneself to an object and refusing to move is a “red” action.
- YELLOW = Possibility of arrest. You may not comply with police instructions, you may be obstructive and mobile, but you will try to avoid being arrested. A yellow role in might involve blocking an entrance and refusing to move until a final dispersal order is given.
- GREEN = Low risk of arrest. You are going to be exercising your freedom of speech, and supporting those who get arrested, but plan to avoid serious confrontations with law enforcement.